Delivery of Petition

On Monday 13 December 2021 seventy-six thousand people petitioned the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, the Attorney-General and the Prime Minister to Drop the Prosecutions of Bernard Collaery and Witness K. The signatures were delivered to the offices of these persons. Australians were humiliated by the spying on Timor-Leste in 2004. The current lengthy, expensive and secretive prosecutions of the two Australians who couldn’t stomach the swindle is an abuse of legal process.

PM's Office Cronulla
Petition at PM’s office Cronulla

PM's Office Cronulla
Petition at PM’s Office Cronulla

CDPP's office 175 Liverpool St Sydney
Petition to CDPP’s office

Susan Connelly at CDPP's office
Susan Connelly with petition at CDPP’s office, 175 Liverpool St, Sydney

A-G's Office Perth
Petition delivered to AG’s office Perth

AG's office Perth
Petition delivered to AG’s office, Perth