47. Hearing 29 March 2021 – Witness K

The demonstration on 29 March was addressed by Alicia Payne, MP for Canberra, Flavia Abduraman, (https://muckrack.com/flavia-abdurahman), and Susan Connelly. A fire truck with a grand display of “Drop the Prosecutions” was provided by Ian Fraser and Ian Melrose.

People in Auckland also gathered to show their support for the two Australian patriots – Witness K and Bernard Collaery.


Auckland 29.03.21

Kiwis outside Australian Consulate in HSBC Tower, 186- 194 Quay St Auckland Monday 29 March.


Crowd 29 March 2021

Flavia Abdurahman speaking 29 March 2021
Flavia Abdurahman speaking to demonstrators in hoods – channelling Alan Moir’s cartoon.

Fire truck
Ian Fraser and Ian Melrose provided the fire truck and Cate Adams designed the display

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